Sunday, February 28, 2010

MtB Italy Tour: this week in Pavia and Milan

This week Mind the Bridge will hit the road in Pavia and Milan, both dates on March 4th.
In Pavia we will be hosted by the Business School, while in Milan we will present during the event "Giovani talenti cercansi" organized by UNIMITT.

In Pavia the MtB presentation starts at 11am. The venue is the Faculty of Economics, via San Felice 7. The presentation is hosted by the Course of International Business held by Prof. Antonella Zucchella. Alberto Onetti introduces the post-graduate students into the start-up world (from business planning to fund raising),describing the unique characteristics the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial eco-system is based on. We provide you with insights re: the 2010 Business Plan Competition and the opportunities provided by the Cariplo Foundation. The event is open, at no charge.
The same day, in Milan, we are hosted by UNIMITT (the Centro per la Ricerca e il Trasferimento Tecnologico of University of Milan). During the event "Giovani talenti cercansi" we present the MtB programm. During the same event you have also the chance to hear from Gaetano Pellicano (Fulbright BEST, Embassy of US in Italy), Tommaso Minola (Fondazione Politecnico di Milano), Gianluca Dettori (D-Pixel) and Roberto Tiezzi (UNIMITT). The presentation starts at 2.30pm in Milan (Aula G12 - Settore didattico - Via Golgi 19). The event is open, registration is required. For more information: UNIMITT (emai:, fax. 02.503.12861).

Thursday, February 25, 2010

MtB Italy Tour: 150 people attended the first date in Varese

Yesterday, in Varese, over 150 people (students, Ph.ds, research fellows, entrepreneurs, local incubators, …) crowded the Aula 12 at CrESIT -Insubria University for the first date of the Mind The Bridge Italy Tour 2010. A promising start for our Tour!

I drove them into start-up world, presenting the Silicon Valley eco-system and the 2010 MtB Business Plan Competition. Roberto Accolla and Massimo Caccia, respectively Pro-Rector for Research and Director of Technology Transfer Unit at Insubria University, discussed about the issues and opportunities for academic spin-offs. Roberta Profeta, Intesa Sanpaolo, announced the upcoming partnership between their Startup Initiative and Mind the Bridge Foundation.
A really good debate followed the presentation. Great way for beginning our 2010 Tour!
In the next days we will make available for download the slides deck and the video of the speeches. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mind the Bridge Italy Tour 2010: first date is Varese

Varese is the first date of the Mind the Bridge Italy Tour 2010, a series of roadshows hosted by universities and incubators across Italy where Mind the Bridge Foundation presents its 2010 MtB Business Plan Competition.

On February 24th, Mind the Bridge will touch base in Varese, at CrESIT, the Centre for Innovation and Life Science Management (CrESIT) of Insubria University (Faculty of Economics, via Monte Generoso 71). The roadshow starts at 2.15pm. During this first event it will be discussed how scientists can turn into entrepreneurs and spin-off business from university labs. The workshop will be introduced by Roberto Accolla, Prorector for Research of Insubria University. During the workshop, Alberto Onetti, CrESIT Director and Chairman of Mind the Bridge Foundation, will dialogue with Ph.ds, researchers, proto-entrepreneurs, students. He will introduce them to the start-up world (for business planning to fund raising) and describe the unique characteristics of the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial eco-system. At the end are scheduled snapshots from Massimo Caccia, Director of SiSRIT, the technology transfer center of Insubria University, and Roberta Profeta, Intesa Sanpaolo Startup Initiative. Local incubators and clusters, such as ComoNext and Asse del Ticino, confirmed their participation. Click here to see the complete agenda.
Next date is February 25, in Milan, starting at 10.30am. The roadshow will be hosted by Luciano Pilotti, Professor of Management at University of Milan. Stay tuned for learning about the next dates of Mind the Bridge Italy Tour 2010.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Welcoming Prossima Isola

Oh yes, that time of the year has finally come.
It's startup season here at Mind the Bridge San Francisco.
Not without a few hiccups, our first startup, Prossima Isola has finally made it to what will be their home for the next month or so.

If you want to follow the daily adventures of our Sardinian friends, here's their diary.

As you can tell they've been already pretty ... entertained, so to speak...and entertaining to read! Here they are, during their first lunch @ Google..

We also posted the agenda for the rest of the month.
Expect to get some updates, here, on this very channel!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

MtB Italy Tour is about to start

On Feb 24 the MtB Italy Tour 2010 hits the road. We organize roadshows hosted by universities and incubators for presenting the MtB Business Plan Competition across Italy.

We aim at opening a dialogue with Ph.ds, researchers, proto-entrepreneurs, students. During the roadshow we present to them the start-up world (from business planning to fund raising) and describe the unique characteristics of the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial eco-system.
The MtB Italy Tour 2010 starts in Varese on February 24th (at 2.15pm). The location is the Faculty of Economics in Varese (via Monte Generoso 71). The host is CrESIT, the Centre for Innovation and Life Science Management (CrESIT) of Insubria University (Varese).

During this first event we will discuss how scientists can turn into entrepreneurs and spin-off business from a university lab. We got a enthusiastic response from Insubria University (3 pro-rectors on the stage) and local incubators and clusters (ComoNext and Asse del Ticino confirmed their partecipation).
We invite you to join us in Varese for a lively discussion of the challenges and opportunities facing entrepreneurs and innovators. The participation to this event is free of charge. For more deatails about the Varese evernt please refer to
Stay tuned for knowing the next dates and locations of the MtB Italy Tour 2010.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested to host a Mind The Bridge roadshow