Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Before going back...

Here are some comments and opinions about our personal experience we shot at Google just before leaving.

For Econoetica it has been an amzing adventure and an incredible networking experience.
We hope that this initiative will take off and many other italian start up will have the opportunity of "thinking bigger" and, once back, "giving back" satrting to create a bridge between "here" and "there", between good ideas and the best envoironment where they can possibly grow.
We will do our best

Monday, April 7, 2008

Feedbacks from SFO

Hi guys.
First of all, I would like to thanks the organisation. Meetings and events were put together perfectly, allowing for detailed talking in each meeting (including welcome dinner). No need to rush from place to place.
The best benefit of "Mindthebridge" is undoubtely the network. It is an opportunity to find out a way for your business goals. It is an opportunity to know and connect people, who knows and can connect other people, et cetera, et cetera ... . It is an opportunity for Italians to be in touch with US business environment, as well as for Americans to know what is boiling in the Italian owen and how to create value together.
Please, let me say that I am happy and sad at the same time after the event. Happy, cause the entrepreneurial spirit of Italians showed once more that "we can if we want". Sad, cause the event shows one more that the state/public Italian organisations, which claim to do it and are well supported by the Italian taxpayers, are very poorly effective.
Now, ... "homo faber fortuneae suae" ...
Keep in touch, guys.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Il road show volge al termine: il lavoro inizia

Oggi è il nostro ultimo giorno di incontri con gli investitori. Sono stati tanti, intensi e tremendamente formativi. Ora, come dicono qui, è ora di fare l'Homework: ripendere tutti i contatti creati, tutte le idee fornite e lavorare per trasformarli in opportunità concrete.

Il 15 a Roma, nell'evento organizzato come cappello finale di Mind The Bridge 2008, ci sarà l'opportunità di raccontare la nostra esperienza e per quella data avremo digerito quello che in questi giorni è stato un viaggio sulle montagne russe, senza tempo di fiatare.

Marco, Matteo&Matteo, Alberto, Richard e moltissime altre persone che hanno lavorato per noi e investito il loro tempo in questa scommessa sono stati grandi mentori e fantastici organizzatori.

Una cosa che si impara subito è che aiutare qualcuno non vuol dire lavorare al suo posto, ma semplicemente creare opportunità che solo i più determinati sapranno cogliere.

Se c'e' qualcosa che l'Italia, come paese, dovrebbe imparare è questo: tenere le porte aperte al talento, ma solo chi lavora per sfruttare le possibilità può e deve andare avanti

Ci vediamo a Roma

Thursday, April 3, 2008

First rest...first post!

So guys,
facts speak more than words and, here I am, posting something about this amazing initiative just after 7 days spent here and just one day before coming back to Italy. That's simply means that Mind The Bridge got everythings from you...not only a presence or an idea...but everything: passion, iron will, time...really all the time you have! ;-) And that’s to help you as most as they can. Our mission is their mission and it’s the only mission that has sense here: “reach the goal!”.
So guys…don’t think MTB is just a business plan competition please! It’s really more than that! We are talking about a network of business developers and technology experts who love to breath innovation, moved on by passion and will to make Italy get back the role of the first order it deserves. That’s true! You know…history rules. And here we are again…americans and italians…two special countries with open minds and…how to say…fast beating hearts which have contributed a lot to what we now call modern society. So let’s hope to be able to get these big results together again and again and again! That’s the goal ;-) Btw every great goal always stay at the end of a long and difficult path that you can do only if supported by very special persons. So very thanks to all the members of the selection and organizing committee. A special thanks also go to Marco Marinucci (the creator of this amazing initiative) and Fabrizio Capobianco (a big CEO and a wonderful advisor) and all the people I have met here that helped me to tune-up my business with their feedbacks or simply give me some very important informations (Matteo Daste, Vittorio Viarengo, Giacomo Marini, Fausto Boni, Richard Boly, Matteo Fabiano, Alessandro Viral, Michele Libraro, and so many others). Obviously I cannot summing up all these days in a unique post…that’s why (sorry Marco) I can only publish some cute images that let guys imagine what kind of experience MTB offered to its finalists. And the best is yet to come! That’s only the start…so stay tuned!

New Ark airport. After 10 hours of fly it's not so great discovering your next fly will take off after 4 hours delay. That's why you nust really like smiling and thinking always positive even it sometime shit happen :-)

first visit at Google - SF

That's my cute chevrolet parked at Google - Montain View

Me and Marco - Clift Hotel, SF

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Monday March 31st

A few pics from the rich agenda of presentations we had on Monday.

Giacomo Marini: "what a VC expects"

Matteo Fabiano: "tips for effective pitching"

Jim Mayock: "Immigration issues"

Matteo Daste: "Setting up US operations in US"